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Day 10 - Beyond Nutrition

Writer's picture: BEvolution LLCBEvolution LLC

Blog Prayer

I pray for the knowledge of God to flow in every area of your life. I pray that this blog on nutrition is an area that you use to identify patterns that block a lifestyle of healthy living. I pray that you can focus on God and the beauty he has stored within you that is ready to blossom. I pray for salvation for the Kingdom of God that we all may eat according to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Beyond Nutrition

Beyond Nutrition goes beyond the information provided from research and use it as a stepping stone to elevate our health into its rightful place. Its rightful place existed before the word nutrition was formed back in the 1550's (. Nutrition information is free, but how you put the knowledge together to serve you is different. Everyone thinks and believes differently which is why when I launch the Nutrition course in 2022 for free because I am giving back what I couldn’t pay for. I can’t pay for what God has shown me in my life about nutrition. His words are invaluable which is why I can write and talk about nutrition all day, but if people don’t apply the knowledge to become practice and wisdom it is useless and it doesn't serve a purpose. The same is true with the word of God. The platform that my business sits on is the knowledge that God has whispered to me over these past 9 years, and I share that knowledge in many ways throughout the business. The knowledge I had before 2013 which was over 25 years, was no comparison to the abundance of knowledge from God in 9 years. Before 2013, I had the right information, but the transformation didn’t exist from gaining the knowledge. It wasn’t’ because the knowledge didn’t work. It’s because of how my core understood the information. It was not filtered through the mind of Christ for a divine revelation for my life. It was only filtered through my mind which had conflicting information at the time. I use my website as a platform of evolution free from chains and bondage in my mind. Before, I wasn’t free to write in the standard that expressed God because the thoughts were not flowing. I wasn’t free to think above the leaders that taught me. I couldn’t question the leaders that taught me. I was in a box and couldn’t gain the answers that I needed for my questions, but as of today, God has answered my questions.

It was a process, but God gave me a plan that I could never pursue without him. I would have stayed in the realm of frustration and asking questions with no answers if I didn’t connect with God. Had I pursued God in high school, he would have led me to the right education, school, relationships, and business instead of incurring over a $165,000 student loan debt and believing I was going to pay it off in a JOB that has the power to terminate employment without cause. As I looked over my path, I realized that when I turned to God for help, my path became repentance and the right path because it provided a boomerang effect back to God. As I launch the 4 A.I.M 4 Change areas by seasons, they provide the knowledge that supports change. When I thought I was changing, I wasn’t because I was in a box on a hamster wheel thinking I was changing because I changed jobs or I obtained more knowledge, but I was going nowhere until God spoke. God’s word gave me life in a dead place. In the scripture Genesis 2:9, God said, “And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Blue Letter Bible, KJV). God spoke life into me these past 9 years and led me back to the beginning.

A.I.M at Knowledge of Nutrition

My blog sits on the platform of the knowledge of God in the vision for Nutrition, Health, Fitness, and Wellness. The blogs will unfold in winter, spring, summer, and fall of 2022. The Nutrition blog will be followed by the Bootcamp Nutrition Course 111. In 2022, the second blog will A.I.M at the knowledge of Health, followed by a Bootcamp Health Course 222. In 2022, the third blog will A.I.M at the knowledge of Fitness, followed by a Bootcamp Fitness Course 333, and the fourth blog will A.I.M at the knowledge of Wellness, followed by a Bootcamp Wellness Course 444. Just in case you are wondering what the acronym A.I.M is about, it represents the process that each class will take you through to align you with the knowledge you need to transform into the healthiest YOU that God intended. The process is the brand name that BEvolution LLC uses to launch Nutrition, Health, Fitness, and Wellness products and services to the world. Each knowledge area will require an assessment that will be free to all who are interested, and you will use that assessment to walk through the courses that will align you to your focused goals in Nutrition. The courses are designed to help you:

Analyze Your Track Record (The What)

Implement Your Plan (The How)

Manage Your Plan (The Who)

A.I.M is about the process and principles that systematically deliver results and teaches you that everything is a process and that includes the dietary patterns we have set up in our lives that either work for us or against us. We created them, and we have the power to turn them around through the knowledge that God has structured for us to utilize for our benefit with the tools for today. As your holistic coach, I encourage, educate, engage, equip, empower & engage you to stay the course, be consistent, accountable, transparent, honest, truthful, authentic, have integrity, build character, and be intentional through your actions because YOU are responsible for your focus, goals, and results. You are the change that you have been seeking. I used to think my healing from cancer would come from doctors. That is far from the truth. They are facilitators of the healing process. My healing came from the knowledge of God, who gave me the ability to choose the doctors that would assist me. I had to walk through the process set up at medical facilities to mirror the knowledge that God was providing to me and trust the Holy Spirit when the truth was revealed to me. It wasn’t an easy process, but I had to walk through “My Egypt” experience which is what I call my experience in my upcoming book. I was liberated by the knowledge of Jesus Christ through my experience by faith, but that came through a process.

Everyone has the knowledge to share but does it follow the path of experience in the area, information, knowledge, education, wisdom, and revelation from the Almighty God. We can test the spirit of God through a process of patience, self-control and waiting on him to reveal. Everyone goes through a process to deliver quality information to the world, and that information must be aligned with God. Jesus didn’t walk this earth in vain. The vision is “surely coming” (Habakkuk 2:3), and his bride will be “without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27). We have a standard that is clear in God’s word.

Nutritional Food for Thought

Before you read the portion of this post, what are your immediate thoughts about eating green vegetables? Write it down, and afterward compare what you thought to what I wrote and determine the gaps in knowledge in Day 11 's post.

My thoughts

My initial thoughts based on my experience on eating green vegetables has a purpose in my body. The knowledge of dark green vegetables such as kale, spinach, collards, mustard green, dandelion, Bok choy, beet greens, watercress, parsley have properties that are healing for the body. The nature of dark green leafy vegetables is to stabilize our cells which protects us from invading damages to our cells which affect our DNA. If I was operating in the right mindset, I would have been eating the right foods that would not have allowed cancer to replicate in my body. Prior to the fall of Adam and Eve, food was the origin in which evolved to the knowledge of nutrition through the evolution of science. God provided us with instructions in Genesis, but to comprehend the nature of the instructions the Holy Spirit was the key for me who guided me into the truth that I was seeking for at least 25 years. We may be in a different Era or timeframe, but God hasn’t changed. Nutrition is a field of study that benefits from the tree of knowledge for the purpose to elevate the results of what God created and not the foundation and purpose in why he created it. Man started chancing after deficiencies and not God. We have moved into the era of why and how because everyone knows what to do, but do they know the why and how behind God’s purpose. Through science and research, man extracted the essence of the nature of God from its properties and elevated these elements into the platform of nutrition as a means to an end of the knowledge of medicine.

Many people are moving from medical treatment to a more natural less harsh methodology through nutrition and nutritional products or other naturopathic means. We wouldn’t have to do that if we stayed in alignment with God’s word. Sickness and disease would not even be an option, but because it is we seek after man's answer instead of God’s counsel. As I looked back on the path that I have taken from what the doctors said is incurable, my nature reverted to the original intent of food that God provided. I went through every method you can think of in the world to validate my diet and nutrition, but when God showed me that it wasn’t about the food. It was about the knowledge that he would provide that navigated me through the food choices wherever I am in my walk with him. Everyone doesn’t have access to the food that I may be speaking about

as healing which means nutrition means nothing to them when they can’t afford the quality, or they have been required to receive food based on someone else’s decision on the kind of food they should consume. What they need is the knowledge of God through the Holy Spirit who will lead them to the food choices that are provided within their region that they are able to access no matter what is going on around us.

The knowledge of God is free and salvation is free. I am in the land that is called the free, and we have access to quality food, but we need the knowledge of God that leads us to the right food, right decisions for us individually wherever we find ourselves. This is why fasting was so important for me. Fasting helped me kill my fleshly ways and elevate the spirit so that I could hear what I needed to do as it relates to my food choices. I love the knowledge of Nutrition because it represents a framework and structure to follow, but it was not what healed me. What healed me was the spirit of God who provided me knowledge through revelation on which information to read, what doctor to see, what foods to eat, and many other areas that guided me as I needed. God said that he would provide all of my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). When we eat according to natural food choices, we stabilize our entire body and systems. We know this by doing it. We know this by experience. We know this by being an example, and we are living proof that it works. We can see it in our day-to-day activities.

Our spirit lifts us into the position we need to be to make sound decisions in our nutritional choices, health, fitness and overall well-being. I didn't realize the power of my spirit until I experienced being terminated from a job while going through my health challenges which led me into unemployment, divorce (irreconcilable difference), losing my home to 'quit claim deed', car repossession, financial hardship, and losing child support battle because I was financially unstable. Wow! What a life. I detail how it all happen in my upcoming book, "My Faith in the Cross Through Salvation: the 2 keys that unlocked the Kingdom of God". This was enough to have a nervous breakdown and for me to loss my mind, but this is where I met Christ these past 9 years and he healed my soul and casted spirits off me that should have never been attached to me. He led me to make food choices that were designed to stabilize my mind, body and emotions. It is by the spirit of God that I can walk through the process of healing. Its not the laying on of hands that healed me in the church. Its not by eating a diet full of fruit and vegetables. All of these play a role, but I was led by God to make specific decisions that yielded specific results. If those results did not happen, then it was not of God which is why it has taken me so long to be able to hear him and began to walk out what he said.

Look out for Day 11 Blog for the results of the “Food for Thought” Knowledge on Green Vegetables

Day 10 A.I.M 4 Change Reflection

1. What are your immediate thoughts about eating green vegetables?

2. What were the gaps in the knowledge you discovered, and why?

3. What is God saying to you about the food choices that may be impacting your health?


Sam Ratulevu. (n.d). It’s Already Done.



The Holy Bible. (1611). King James Bible Online. Blue Letter Bible.

​Catrice C. Jackson

NESTA Fitness Nutrition Coach (FNC)

NESTA Core Condition Specialist (CCS)

NESTA Certified Holistic Life Coach (CHLC)


“You Are The Change.”

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