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Day 4 <> Greater & Lesser Lights

Writer's picture: BEvolution LLCBEvolution LLC

Day 4 <> A.I.M 4 Change Blog

When “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Spiritual) in Genesis 1:2, And God said, “Let there be light” in Genesis 1:3, And there was light (Physical). The spirit moved in Genesis, God spoke, and the physical manifested in Genesis 1:14-19, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day” (KJV). This means that the order of God moves according to his spirit first, he speaks second, and manifestation third in the physical to be reflected on earth as in heaven. Sounds like the trinity to me, but I am not going to add to God’s words, but I will look for this pattern as I proceed through the days of creation.

The Sun, Moon, & Stars

When we look at Genesis, we will also see within the constructs of Day 4 God created the greater light which is the Sun, the lesser light which is the moon, and stars in that order. Once again, we see three orders of events in creation. I noticed that he created them to serve three purposes which were to serve as #1 Signs, Seasons, Days, & Years as was written in Genesis 1:14; #2 Light on the earth as was written in Genesis 1:15; #3 Rule & Divide as written in Genesis 1:18. As of today, we see signs, seasons, days, and years. The days of the week were structured according to the seven days of creation from Genesis 1 through Genesis 2:2, but they were not designated to the names Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until 321 CE. According to Britannica (2020), “for centuries the Romans used a period of eight days in civil practice, but in 321 CE Emperor Constantine established the seven-day week in the Roman calendar and designated Sunday as the first day of the week” (par.2).

The reference “CE” behind the 321 represents the abbreviation Common Era and when it is “BCE” it refers to Before Common Era (Hocken, 2021). It is a preference because the AD which is Anno Domini is Latin for in the year of the Lord and BC for the abbreviation for Before Christ (Hocken, 2021). I always thought AD meant After the Death of Christ. The structure and the frameworks we see today are created from the foundation of Genesis. We see the Jewish and the Gregorian calendar structure and framework leading to days, weeks, months, years. The Mesopotamia, the Sumerians, and the Babylonians divided the year into weeks of seven days each, and they designated a day for recreation (Britannica, 2020). What we see today that surrounds us are complex adaptive systems that have been created since the beginning of creation. I can dive deep into the history but just wanted you to understand that creation was a structure and framework that we see throughout the bible and we see today, but many are void of God’s spirit which is what causes the cycle of mediocre, status quo environments and poor leadership absent of character. What this means is a structure or framework can be created from a spoken vision, but if it is void of the spirit of God which moves first, he is not present in that dwelling place. The structure and framework are strictly operating on their own mind and thoughts and have edged God out of the process. Every creation has a spirit that formed it, and our role is to know which spirit is speaking, and that also includes within ourselves. I have witnessed myself operating from the wrong spirit which is why I experienced the hardship and issues in my life. I had to cast those spirits down as I saw them and submit myself to the obedience of Christ which is an ongoing process. The more we reflect on the Son of God, the more we become like him and our minds transform according to the word of God. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so we will know the will of God

(Romans 12:1). It’s time for us to reflect like the moon.

“The Spirit is first, then the Physical”

Reflect like the Moon

The word of God is a reflection of your spirit based on the physical. It’s like looking in the mirror and seeing your reflection. Reflect like the light of the moon cast its reflection over the water or from the Sun to the earth. With the moon reflecting from the water, it can only be seen at that local place versus reflecting like the moon on the earth where many can see it. I had a revelation at 11:40 pm on 12/15/2021 that many who were in the faith had left the faith, and there are many who are in the world that will leave it because of their faith. When I heard that, the spirit referred me to 1 Timothy 4:1 and Matthew 24:10-14. I was snatched out of the world into the faith because of the truth that I witnessed, and from that point, I was guided by the spirit even when my world was collapsing. My faith didn’t fail me.

As leaders, we have to know and understand how to reflect. Reflecting on multiple perspectives including God in the decision-making process is key. We should have a minimum of 4 perspectives on our angles. Who are the 4 angles of reflection that we should consult when making sound decisions? If you don’t know, go into fasting and prayer and ask God to reveal them to you.

Day # Words of the Day


A.I.M 4 Change Reflection

1. Who are the 4 angles of reflection that we should consult when making sound decisions?


Genesis 1:2

Genesis 1:3

Genesis 1:14-19

Genesis 2:2


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2020, April 20). week. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Hocken, V. (2021). Common Era (CE) and Before Common Era (BCE). timeand date.

The Holy Bible. (1611). King James Version (KJV). Blue Letter Bible Online.

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