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Day 5 <> Created Sea Creatures & Birds

Writer's picture: BEvolution LLCBEvolution LLC

A.I.M 4 Change Blog

In Genesis 1:20-23, “And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day”

(KJV). God made a home for the whales, fish, and other sea animals along with the birds able to freely fly in the firmament. God created their dominion within the earth as he has created our dominion on the earth as we will see written in Genesis 1:26-28 within Day 6. The creatures in the sea and the birds are in their kingdom. They instinctively know how to operate within their kingdom. No one must teach them unless we take them outside of their kingdom which is generally what happened to animals that are captured in the zoo, aquariums, or other places of spectating. I can also equate that to when we left heaven to be born on earth into another kingdom that is not of heaven until heaven comes to earth as directed by Jesus in the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.

The Kingdom of God

Now I understand why God prophesied through Jeremiah in 627 B.C that he knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). We had to be taught by another kingdom until we came to ourselves like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) and come in alignment with our royal nature. We were royalty before we were born into the Babylonian culture we live in today. If you do not believe the culture is like Babylonian, Roman, Philistine, Amorite, Hittite, Canaanite, or Persian nature, keep reading the word of God and he will reveal the truth. If people are Christians, then they should all be led by the Holy Spirit and if they don’t, they don’t have the nature of the Kingdom of God, and their belief is under the kingdom of religion in the form of Christianity. They are operating under a religion that does not have the power of God. It is a form of godliness. I can only say this because of what I have experienced. I went in cycles for over 31 years under religion until I believed and turned. It was a platform and a tool to elevate into the Kingdom of God.

We were not meant to stay in the 4 walls and warm the seats in the church. Religion was the result of what happened to Jesus Christ on earth, but Christ is using that platform to show himself as the King of Heaven that he said he was between 29 and 33 C.E. According to Depuydt (2002), Jesus died in 29 C.E. According to Center For Biblical Studies, Jesus died April 3, AD 33 (Köstenberger, 2021). There are many other theologians and academic references that have other dates, but the fact is that the God of creation is the same God that sent Jesus to preach the Kingdom on earth during his ministry between 29 and 33 C.E. for those that will elevate their faith to believe. I can believe this date because I have constantly seen the number sequence 333 since 2013 which I have written about in my free e-book, “The End from the Beginning” located at:

The Eagle

Out of all the creatures and fowls God created on Day 5, I connect with the Eagle. I connect with the Eagle because of the vision that God has given me to write, and how that vision has transformed my life for the Kingdom of God. Which creature or fowl do you connect with? I remember when I was in an

interview that was put together with a group of people. It was the most different interview I have ever seen in my life. Within the 7 people, I believe that was interviewed, we were asked what type of bird do we relate to.

This was a trick question, but I didn’t realize it until I didn’t get the job. I said I was an eagle, and when I did the interview it went well, but I will never know why the organization did not select me. It was a possibility that I was in the wrong kingdom. Have you ever felt that you were in the wrong kingdom? If so, what did that feel like? I didn’t know I was in the wrong kingdom until 2013 when I realized I had a higher calling than where I was. I strived for change. I could never stay mediocre. I strived to grow and develop even if I had to endure getting student loans over $165,000 for my education. If I would have recognized God at a young age, his knowledge would have kept me and guided me in his kingdom, but because I launched into another kingdom as a teenager I had to walk through the other kingdom until another path for my Exodus was created. I have been walking in the "shadow of the valley of death" my entire life (Psalm 23:4). God provided me a way out, just like he did Jonah. The difference between me and Jonah was, I wasn’t running from the Lord, I was pursuing what he said like David pursued and recovered all in 1 Samuel 30:8.

The Prophet Jonah

Although Nineveh was captured by the Babylonians in 612 B.C, between 793 B.C and 753 B.C he prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II (NLT, 1996). The Lord gave Jonah a message to go to Nineveh and pronounce judgment against the wickedness of the people (Jonah 1). He went the opposite way. I wanted to do the same thing when God spoke to me in 2013, but I couldn’t. The conviction was too strong. When Jonah got on the boat and they started sailing, a violent storm arose. The storm was a sign that something was wrong. After they discovered it was Jonah, he had to go, but the interesting part was they questioned him and asked, “What have you done? Who are You? What is your nationality? What country are you from? When he answered them and recommended that they throw him in the sea he exited into another kingdom. He was thrown into another kingdom and ended up in the belly of what we can refer to as a “great whale” in which God created in Genesis 1:21. After being in that kingdom for 3 days, he was released to turn back to what he was supposed to be doing for the Lord.

Noticed that when he was thrown into the sea, the storm calmed as he said it would. That is what happened when I continued to follow what God said. My life came to a calm in 2017, but I still had to continue to do what God said. The calmness came for me to be able to stabilize my life, pull myself together to continue the work of the Lord. When Jonah pronounced that the Lord was going to destroy the city in forty days, the people repented (Jonah 3). He asked them to get into the posture of fasting and prayer. They did and even the king stepped down from his throne and put on his sackcloth (Jonah 3:6). This reminded me of the steps taken by Queen Esther in Esther 4:16 to save her people. In Jonah’s case, he was trying to save Israel and turn them back to God. This story is not different in today’s time, and no matter what we are faced with we must follow the words of the Lord. I was in another kingdom and God was speaking to me to come out from among them. I went through the storm for the Lord to bring me out, and even if he didn't bring me out my soul belongs to the Lord, and it will return finished. The spirit of God moved through me in 2013 and God spoke. Now the manifestation of what God said is about to come to pass so I am getting ready and prepared for the coming of our Lord and Savior, and I am trusting in God for his glory who has already crowned Jesus Christ as King before I was born. I am just a servant and a vessel that God is using.

The Word for Today


A.I.M 4 Change Reflection

  1. Which creature or fowl do you connect with? Why?

  2. Have you ever felt that you were in the wrong kingdom? If so, what did that feel like?

Encouraging Song

Chosenssh. (n.d). 23rd Psalm Jeff Majors [Video]. YouTube.

Donald Lawrence. (2019). Deliver Me (This Is My Exodus). YouTube.


Genesis 1:20-23, Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 6:9-13, Jeremiah 1:5, Luke 15:11-32, Psalm 23:4, 1 Samuel 30:8, Jonah 1, Genesis 1:21, Jonah 3, Jonah 3:6, Esther 4:16


Köstenberger, A. (2021). April 3, AD 33: Why We Believe We Can Know The Exact Date Jesus Died. Center for Biblical Studies At Midwestern Seminary.

New Living Translation. (1996). Life Application Study Bible. Tyndale House Publishers. Wheaton, ILL.

The Holy Bible. (1611). The King James Version (KJV). Blue Letter Bible Online.

Great Study Material

Understanding Christianity. (2021). Creation.

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