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Day 6 <> God Created Us In His Image

Writer's picture: BEvolution LLCBEvolution LLC

A.I.M 4 Change Blog

I blog according to how the spirit flows, and today I heard to only blog about what came out of Day 6. This also leads me into my studies for the day which is the process for how the word of God flows for me. We all go through processes, no matter what type of process it is. We All experience processes. The steps taken to the results are important which is why we must pay attention while in the process to steer the process according to the results that God has ordained. That means we must be hearing from God. When I didn’t hear from God, I was flowing in whichever direction the wind would blow me, but now I have direction, purpose, a mission, and an assignment from God, so I am stable no matter which way the wind blows. I am not tossing to and from as the scripture says in Ephesians 4:14 & James 1:6. I had to walk through the process of life and look back at the miracle pieces that Christ left for me in "My Egypt" which I stepped through from 1987 to see that Christ has always been with me. I was just blinded by the system that governed my mind. It was me and the mindset that was taught to me that steered me into another path outside of the will of God. But as I matured (1 Corinthians 13:11) in the word of God, my faith took root and turned my life

around which bound the other spirits that were attached to my soul. It was in the in-between time from 2013 to 2021 that Christ stepped in to help lift my spirit to lead instead of my flesh. This was the purpose of my salvation in 1987 and my repentance in 2013 to be born again as a citizen of the Kingdom of God by way of Christianity. The sound doctrine of the gospel taught through the Baptist church's were my foundation. I also thank God for Dr. Myles Munroe and his team for his timely books and teachings from heaven.

Creation of Day 6

What God brought forth on Day 6 after his process of creation was "living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind" (Genesis 1:24-25, KJV). Next, God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” that he created (Genesis 1:26) as male and female (Genesis 1:27) on the earth. When God said, “let us”, he was speaking about his spirit through himself, the male (man) we see him form in Genesis 2:7, and the female (woman) God had taken from Adam’s rib in Genesis 2:22 whom Adam named Woman in Genesis 2:23. Now I understand why I constantly kept seeing the sequence number 222 from 2013 through 2021. I didn't have the fullness of meaning until now. The season that we will see come forth in the year 2022 will be about the divine women that will emerge for the Kingdom of God.

This formation of man and woman created by God is the structure of the institution of marriage in our court system. If we go into marriage without the spirit of God, it can be a disaster which is what I experienced. I went into my first marriage not knowing who I was in Christ which was a quick ending in divorce when I awaken to who I was in Christ, but at the beginning of the marriage, the wedding program that I created and the foundation that I based that marriage

on was Genesis 2:22. I had the structure at the time, but I did not have the spirit of Christ operating within me. I stress to people to know who they are in Christ before entering into a covenant marriage under God because the design if that marriage is to reflect heaven on earth because of God's spoken word. The match is either made in heaven, on earth, divided until one or the other spirit awakens, or single until God's appointed time. My mind was in control during this time while using my spirit of God which was sleep to create which was why the wedding was a time and season that I will always remember because everything that happened was centered around what I believed should have happened during that time in my life because of how every step flowed according to my thoughts. My mind was in control while my spirit was being dragged along for the ride, and then when things went wrong as they did I wanted counseling and help from the church which was null and void because I made the decision which was not in the Will of God for my life and that I had to live with until Christ opened my eyes to the truth about me.

At the time, I did not know Christ or have a relationship with him, but I was actively listening and reading the word of God. I had a form of godliness and denied the power of Christ (2 Timothy 3:5-7), but in that marriage, it was the key to my awakening to the Christ in me because I had the structure needed for Christ to speak to me in 2007 and God to speak in 2013 and marriage was the platform for that engagement. When Christ spoke, the sin within me unpacked their bags. When God spoke, my entire world that I knew collapsed. My job and

my marriage along with many other areas were swept from under me because I didn't build my foundation on the solid rock as described in Matthew 7:24-27, it was built on sand which is why it collapsed. I made poor decisions out of ignorance of not knowing the Almighty God and following his commands. Remember that the spirit moves first, then God speaks, and then the manifestation comes. I did things backwards, the marriage manifested without God or Christ speaking to me. I made decisions out of my flesh. This was the decision that caused me to be out of alignment similar to how Eve ate from the knowledge of the tree of good and evil which she knew in Genesis 3:2. The serpent was an invisible spirit that needed a body to function in the natural realm which is why God removed his spirit, kicked them both out of the Garden, but he still blessed them. So as I reflected on God's word and remembered that He had not spoken to me at the time, so I was a walking in darkness and not operating by his spirit. God knew that I was going to run into trouble within the marriage that was set up and design to have dominion, be fruitful and multiply. That part of my life died when the spirit of Christ spoke to me in the marriage, the ability to have dominion, be fruitful and multiply stopped. I can remember it so clearly when Christ spoke on Father’s day in 2007 (3 years after the wedding) right before the break of dawn, and God spoke in 2013 in the early morning. Both their voices were different in sound and the actions that proceeded in my life were unforgettable. God forgives, but he doesn't forget because all of our actions are written in the lambs book of life, and they are cross references with repentance. I found this out after I went through the process of the divorce. I had to forgive anyone that caused pain in my life and I had to pray for mercy so when they awaken to their encounter with God they are covered by the blood of Jesus. Everyone will meet Christ whether in this life on earth or in your heavenly place. I don't know another place for the spirit to go because God has not shown that to me. I can only see transitions from earth to heaven. If people's spirits don't transition at death, they don't rest and they circle back into the earth and utilize another body on earth that can harbor their spirit and manifest for the kingdom of darkness. Some operate in-between because they are lost and they reek havoc on people's lives or cycle around looking for a resting place. I pray for those lost spirits that need rest and peace. I have witnessed this for myself and that's why I pray for the nation and the specific people God lays on my heart.

As I use my old life as a stepping stool to explain my transition into the Kingdom, I can look back and say that what was missing was, “let them have dominion...” in Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 1:28. Was this opportunity blocked from me through the wrong covenant marriage or was it blocked because I never knew the true living God because I was searching in the wrong kingdom? God constantly led me to seek his Kingdom in Matthew 6:33. I was fruitful by having one child in the marriage, but how was I to replenishing in the earth? How did I subdue it? How was I having dominion upon the earth? I was because I was about to be cut off from the branch (John 15:1-2) if I did not turn. He had stopped the process until I got into alignment with his structure. I was within the box and framework that God created, but I was not able to access the riches from God until God released me in his timing out of the box inside of a dome inside of God’s creation under the firmament.

My life was an example of Alice in Wonderland. I can also equate it to the snow globe in the image. No matter what I did, I remained in this snow globe until the dreams and vision came to lead me out. As I study creation, God points me to, “I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat (Genesis 1:29, KJV)”.

In the process of the sixth day of creation, God made sure that everything that he created had its meat to consume for food. The beast, every fowl, everything that creepeth upon the earth, that he gave every green herb for meat.

Day 7

God knew that everything he did was good, and on Day 7 he rested, God rested which I will do the same from blogging, and next week will start the foundation and history of A.I.M 4 Change in Nutrition which builds from the foundation of Genesis 1:11 & 1:29. Day 8 of the blogs will dive into this unless God shifts me to focus on something different. Everything from Genesis to Revelation are structures, frameworks that either have the breathe of God or the form of godliness, but deny the power of Christ. This is the foundation and structure of how I started my business to help the community to walk through the A.I.M process that includes Nutrition, Health, Fitness and Wellness as one which helps people identify the fruits to extract for the Kingdom of God.

The Word for Today

God’s Structure

A.I.M 4 Change Reflection

  1. Are you a Kingdom Citizen?

  2. Are we blocking dominion?

  3. What is your area of dominion for the Kingdom of God?


Ephesians 4:14; James 1:6; 1 Corinthians 13:11; Genesis 1:24-25; Genesis 1:26; Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:7; Genesis 2:22; Genesis 2:23; 2 Timothy 3:5-7; Matthew 7:24-27; Genesis 3:2; Matthew 6:33; John 15:1-2


The Holy Bible. (1611). King James Version Online. Blue Letter Bible.

Munroe, Dr. M. (2016). The Principles & Power of Kingdom Citizenship: Keys to experiencing Heaven on Earth. Shippensburg, PA.v

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