Before I start Day 8 blog, I pray for the people that would read this post. Allow our hearts, minds and body to be aligned with the will of God for his Kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ.
Day #8 <> A.I.M 4 the Knowledge of God Blog
A.I.M at the knowledge of God is about the who, what, and how the Holy Spirit guided me to the truth that I had to apply to my life then I was able to understand the acceptable and perfect will of God for my life. All my life, I was chasing after the wrong knowledge which was why every time I gained the knowledge I needed for a job someone else took the position or I needed some other form of knowledge to be elevated into a position or I needed a system of knowledge that I never understood such as politics. That was not God, but this is the lesson that I learned when I did not seek after the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness as revealed to me in Matthew 6:33. I was seeking after what man said we should do, and what I found out in my life was that those steps for me were backward. God would have led me to the right school, the right job if I would not have left him to be something I could never become in my fallen nature. I can’t speak about the knowledge of Nutrition without speaking from the knowledge that God gave me these past nine years concerning the incurable cancer I was diagnosed with on 11/11/2005. The cancer was incurable according to the doctors. It was incurable to man because of the lack of knowledge that only comes through God by way of the Holy Spirit. I am grateful that God has given the medical field the knowledge to find cures and assist with health breakthroughs, but they were a platform that God allowed me to experience to gain the knowledge needed that I didn’t have because I was not serving him. I had to painfully walk through the system for God to show me the truth. I felt like Daniel in the Lion’s Den when God awakened me to the truth. When we fell in Genesis, Jesus Christ was the way back to the Father and unless that has happened in the medical field, then they are operating in a box that has been created by man void of the spirit of God but has a lot of knowledge knowing good and evil. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and by his stripes, I was healed before the diagnosis was provided. I just didn’t know it. I lacked the knowledge of God, and God showed me this in a vision on 9/26/2021. The Holy Spirit led me to the scripture Hosea 4:6 which stated, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children” (KJV).I didn’t want God to reject me, so I made sure I listened and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit whom we are not to quench according to 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
When we get knowledge, we get understanding, but we have to fight our fallen nature to get what God has for us. God is not going to hand the kingdom to us if we don’t serve submit our ways to Christ and use our fallen nature as a stepping stool. I used Eve’s fallen nature as the stepping stool to understand Christ, who is the new Adam. I have written over 80 free e-books that can be downloaded and read on how the word of God set me apart, cleansed me, purified me, and set me free for his glory. Before my nine-year wilderness, I was not free. I was walking in circles blind and doing everything by my emotions. I was no different than a hamster on a wheel. I couldn’t have gotten off the wheel and the blinders removed if it was not for my Lord, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ. His teachings are life, and when I failed at the life I thought I was supposed to have Christ was there to help me pick up the pieces, extract the fruit I need, and rebuild. I wouldn't be here today as a testimony (Revelation 12:11) if it wasn't for him delivering me from self-destruction (Proverbs 16:18). Jesus was God in the flesh (John 1:14), and Christ is the spirit of God (Romans 8:9) and when Jesus died, he sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:16) as our teacher which built the church (Matthew 16:18) until the day of God’s Kingdom come (Matthew 6:9-13). During my time with Christ these past nine years, he continued to show me the behaviors and ways that were against the Almighty God. What I experienced was not what I expected according to how the word of God was taught to me. I had to endure the process, get out of my feelings, emotions, and limited mindset to fully hear, and listen to what Christ was saying. During the days leading up to the Nutrition Bootcamp course, this blog is dedicated to my exodus out of Egypt and my salvation in the Lord. God led me through a series of changes that I had to make with the foods I was consuming. Because I lacked the knowledge of God as my daily bread, everything in the past was vanity. God led me by way of knowledge of Nutrition so that I can walk in the divine power of healing and turn from ways that led me into sickness. My faith made me whole again like the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, & Luke 8:43-48.
A.I.M 4 Nutrition from the Knowledge of God
Food has been studied for centuries, but Nutrition started with the knowledge of science and it evolved within school program courses, stand-alone courses for the business coaching industry, certifications, and many more areas that utilize nutrition as a major role for revenue. When I coach on nutrition, the foundation is from the knowledge that God has shown me through my process and experience along with the knowledge I have gained. He has allowed me to take
that platform to elevate the Bootcamp Nutrition 111 course in 2022. This will be the winter course for A.I.M 4 Change. Have you ever met people that said, “I need to eat better” or “Health or Nutrition is a lifestyle” or “My New Years resolution to lose weight”, but every year they are back at the same quest with the same resolutions? Why? The lack of knowledge and their mind haven’t shifted to a vision of the change they are seeking. As people would say, “When you know better, you do better”. That is the truth, but what is it that they need to know to change for a resolution? What is the process for knowledge that we elevate each year and not continue on the same patterns and cycles continuously? We get what we A.I.M at. If we aim at nothing, we get nothing, but if we focus, then, A.I.M we break paradigms and shift our mind into the process of transformation, but we have to challenge the thought that has been embedded in our life through routine, habit, and patterns. The leadership challenge for 2022 is that we A.I.M and focus on giving change all we got one Focus at a time and watch how God turns things around “press down and shaken together” (Luke 6:38). I have faith in what God said, and I press forward to see his glory.
When we A.I.M at knowledge we gain wisdom. When we A.I.M at Nutrition, we gain knowledge to optimize our health. When we A.I.M at Health we gain an understanding of our needs. When we A.I.M at Wellness, we become centered in our core. This blog is a dedication to God for his glory through Jesus Christ for the knowledge that is poured out like water. It will also introduce my business BEvolution LLC and the brand A.I.M. The business will aim at knowledge first from the perspective of God’s revelation concerning health from a holistic perspective of Nutrition, Health, Fitness, and Wellness as 1 whole perspective. View these four knowledge areas as married and inseparable. But before we discuss that, we will build the foundation of how I came to the knowledge I will be sharing with you this season through the blog and the upcoming boot camp courses. Knowledge is the same, but it’s just packaged differently to appear as if it is new. It is also determined by the mindset that is presenting the information as knowledge. There is nothing new under the Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). We all have the knowledge to give from our experience, education, and skills as a gift to others who need it, but sometimes the philosophical mind gets in the way.
Philosophical Mind
What do I mean by the philosophical mind? The word of God says, “let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (KJV, Philippians 2:5)”. The philosophical mind is any other mindset that is exalted above God. It is how people present the same knowledge that can become pricey rather through a degree, conference, certification, course, or workshop. We can have many “theories about knowledge” or “epistemology” that fit a particular field of study, but after studying God’s word, business, and the field of leadership, the word knowledge began in Genesis 2:9 with the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Martinich & Stroll, 2021, par.1; KJV). The word knowledge in Hebrew is “daʻath” which is pronounced dah'-ath (Blue Letter Bible). Daʻath means knowledge, cunning, or wittingly (Blue Letter Bible). According to Strong’s H1847, it can be translated as knowledge and further biblically outlined as perception, skill, discernment, understanding, and wisdom (Blue Letter Bible). God particularly said we shouldn’t eat from the tree of “daʻath” or we would surely die. Well, that happened when Eve ate the fruit? We were all included in that death and kicked out of the garden until Jesus Christ’s ministry appeared on earth. God reconciled us back to himself through Jesus Christ for the restoration of his Kingdom and through the death, burial, and resurrection. His work was finished (John 19:30) and what he prophesied which was written & prophesied in the old testament for manifestation in the new testament for all to witness. We don’t’ know the date and time of Christ's return, but we should all keep our lamps lit like five out of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25.
First, let’s give a small picture of how knowledge expanded from God to religion to philosophical minds that created theories that evolved into business practices. When I woke up to the knowledge of God, the diagram is how I saw the flow of knowledge in the spirit. I also drew this diagram to represent how the knowledge of God was cut off for me because of other philosophical minds that dominated my thoughts until 2013. The 4 branches of knowledge that you see in the diagram which are “epistemology, metaphysics, axiology, & logic” confused and kept me cycling around the same information in a mode of debate and looking for the exact truth for understanding (Lynch, 2016). My mind was in a box learning the philosophy of what someone else thought, the theories and practices to apply to my life versus getting the knowledge from God and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me. After all, I was taught through multiple philosophies for the past 45 years of my life. It wasn’t until I had an encounter with God in 2013, that the proceeding 9 years were transformative because of the word of God that was planted within me, so, what I experienced was the process of salvation and being born again. My mind was at peace, and the search ended while my growth expanded.
When Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, she opened the door to the world of darkness which was why they were kicked out until Jesus came along with the teachings of the Kingdom of God who was the seed spoken about in Genesis 3:15, the son born in Isaiah 9:6; and the authority of the Messiah in Revelations 12:10-12. The other kingdom did some great things to frame their businesses shaped in the structure of God’s words, but many are void of the Holy Spirit who was sent by Christ after Jesus died April 3, 33 A.D (Köstenberger, 2021). The Holy Spirit is the key to uniting the true body of Christ. I never could understand why the body parts of the human body were split out into different specialist fields, but now I understand. No offense to the medical field or doctors, but the body operates holistically in unity, and when one area is failing it has to be seen from a spiritual perspective which is what drives the thoughts, emotions, and body, but when we step into our divine calling we become the person that God uses to see in the spirit to help the entire body function according to the will of God. Doctors are healers of the body in the presents of sickness and disease, but that body is connected to a spirit and that is the key to healing. Jesus died and nailed all of our iniquities to the cross. We integrate with doctors that believe that they are sent to heal according to the word of God and not according to their flesh. What spirit are we connected to and believing in for healing? Salvation is a natural process of healing if we believe, and Jesus already paid the price. This was the ultimate truth for me, but I had to endure processes to see and understand the truth.
The knowledge that I knew was mixed with God’s word which I learned from church, high school, the workplace, college, and many other areas. I was not able to apply this business practice to my life until after God showed me how through the leadership of Jesus Christ’s ministry and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To occupy until Christ returns, so I will do business that elevates the Kingdom of God (KJV, Luke 19:13). The greek word pragmateúomai for the word occupy means to busy oneself such as trade and the biblical outline states to carry on a business (Blue Letter Bible). Christianity was the open door for me to get the knowledge I needed from God and to use that knowledge for his glory. When I was terminated from my job in 2013 through exercising my legal rights, it was difficult for me to find and maintain a job. My job loss wasn’t because I was incompetent. It was because God was moving me into the Kingdom and the job losses were part of the process and the key to the knowledge I needed to gain. I had never had that experience before in the 31 years I was employed within the job system. I kept running back to the systematic job process that would continue to terminate me for no reason. God was leading me out of that system into a business that he planned for my life, yet I could not see it while I was going through my circumstances because I had to trust him and not my fallen nature. He continued to show me the scripture Deuteronomy 8:18, “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day” (KJV).
Everything we know and do comes from the knowledge of God. Knowledge expands into philosophical minds if it’s not from Christ, and we can have millions of philosophical minds that have no idea who Christ is but everything they utter sounds good. We can see this through history and from the foundation of God that his word is truth. It wasn’t until I applied the knowledge to my situation and overtime the harvest of that seed took root and sprouted. That is the power of the word of God. Knowledge is also a spiritual gift given through the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ in 1 Corinthians 12:8. Today, through the help of the Holy Spirit, I understand what God meant from that time, but for 31 years of my life, I was blinded until 2013 when my eyes started to open to the world around me and I could see the Kingdom of God. When I saw the truth, my entire world began to collapse. As I searched for answers, they were not found in the system that I was born in, but through the search, God revealed the truth through the spirit and I had to write the vision.
Although I was blind, I built my life on the wrong knowledge that appeared to be good until it was challenged in 2013. My story reminds me of the man to whom Jesus opened his eyes in John 9. He was blind from birth. I share that story because God is real and he is present today with us and I pray that people can build a relationship with Christ and identify the tree you are eating from, building from, or just unaware and ignorant like I was to the devices of the system. After nine years, I have been delivered by Jesus Christ out of my wilderness experience. The things that God spoke to me in my wilderness were my people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), what do you have in your hand (Exodus 4:2), and write the vision (Habakkuk 2:2). Where I am today is not by accident, but by divine order. I couldn’t place myself in the mindset or give myself the business strategy that God gave me today if it wasn’t for the pain I endured and the experience that I learned. The vision had to stay in the womb for almost nine years to be fully nourished, watered, and developed and I was not going to let anything or anybody abort the mission. I have always been into fitness, but health and nutrition were afterthoughts. Today God has brought me through my health challenges so I can teach others what I have learned about the knowledge of God that led me to the right information and process about
nutrition, health, fitness, and wellness as a whole approach through listening to his direction. I had to put away my old mindset and thoughts to transform my mind like Christ. We are blessed to be a blessing to others for whatever they need to gain clarity and understanding. I remember a sermon by the late Dr. Myles Munroe who stated, “your blessings will come in the month of your birth”. I can remember this a long time ago, but I wasn’t aware of the year or timing he was speaking about. The timing was never up to me, but it was up to God. I needed to endure the preparation. I could never do what I am about to do without Christ’s leadership, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the will of God for
my life. The bible was instructions, a mirror, and a light for me to see in the darkness. I am grateful to God for his word. My old world that I knew died and within nine years, God turned my life around for his glory. Starting with the content of the business is my birthday gift in December because God showed me the fullness of the vision. I dedicate this business to the Kingdom of God.
I pray that each person that reads this blog seeks first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness as written in Matthew 6:33. I pray for your salvation. God has provided much knowledge for people to return and seek his Kingdom. We don’t know the day and time of Christ’s return. I pray that God has mercy on America and other nations, and I pray that people turn to Jesus Christ for their Salvation and not lean on their own understanding.
A.I.M 4 Change Reflection
1. Outline the knowledge you have obtained and check off if it came to you from God by revelation or did it come to you from another source.
2. What spirit are we connected to and believe in for healing?
Matthew 6:33, 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Revelation 12:11; Proverbs 16:18; John 1:14; Romans 8:9; John 14:16; Matthew 16:18; Matthew 6:9-13; Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48; Luke 6:38; Ecclesiastes 1:9; Philippians 2:5; John 19:30; Matthew 25; Luke 19:13; Isaiah 9:6; Revelations 12:10-12; Deuteronomy 8:18; John 9; Hosea 4:6; Exodus 4:2; Habakkuk 2:2
Köstenberger, A. (2021). April 3, AD 33: Why We Believe We Can Know The Exact Date Jesus Died. Center for Biblical Studies At Midwestern Seminary.
Lynch, M (2016). What You Need To Know As An Educator: Understanding The 4 Main Branches of Philosophy. The Edvocate.
Martinich, A. & Stroll, A. (2021, February 11). epistemology. Encyclopedia Britannica.
The Holy Bible (1611). King James Version Online. Blue Letter Bible.
Catrice C. Jackson
NESTA Fitness Nutrition Coach (FNC)
NESTA Core Condition Specialist (CCS)
NESTA Certified Holistic Life Coach (CHLC)
“You are the change”