I have been hearing God, but in the 7 months that I have not blogged I was on a different assignment. Today, he lifted my spirit to began writing what I hear again. As I woke up today at the 9am hour, I remembered a dream I had. The dream encouraged me to shift into my next season, and it made me focus on the foods I was consuming. God gave me the choice to “choose this day whom I will serve”. Today was a turning point for me because I knew what God was saying. I may not know what the outcome will look like, but I trust what he said to me today. I am walking on the word he gives to me by faith.
After I heard those words, another word came to me that said, “this is the day that the Lord has made” and the third words that came to me was, “in this house we will serve the Lord”. The final words that came to me was, “I am returning for a church without spot or blemish”. I heard a lot this morning, so as I searched the scriptures the words aligned with the following scriptures:
#1- I heard: “choose this day whom I will serve” – The word revealed to me is in Joshua 24:15 which states,
“And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (NKJV).
#2- I heard: “this is the day that the Lord has made” – (Psalm 118:24)
This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it” (NKJV).
#3- I heard: “in this house we will serve the Lord” – (Joshua 24:15)
#4- I heard: “without spot or blemish” – (Ephesians 5:27)
“that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” (NKJV).
What was God showing me?
What God was showing me through his words was that I can stay in my comfort zone or I can choose to follow the vision that he presented to me today through his word. After I made the decision that yes, I am going to follow his Will for my life, the last word I heard was, “It is a New Season”. The word led me to Isaiah 43:18-21. The lesson that I have learned was to follow each word that I hear and do not deviate from what the Lord is saying during this time and allow the Holy Spirit to lead me where the Lord needs me to be.
This Season is Over
What is going on right now in my life for God to send me his word? For the past 7 days, my spirit has been heavy and saddened. I didn't know why, and when the word from the Lord came today my spirit was lifted out of that place, but just because the word comes to me doesn't mean I am not going to have spiritual warfare. The warfare came, but I could see and identify it and I knew that the battle was not mine, it belonged to the Lord. I still had to go through the experience today.
The things that are going on today are emotional roller-coasters that are causing strife, division, isolation, bondage, and frustration. It is easy for me to address the person involved, but I am consistently placed in a position of isolation and the person shuts down and does not want to speak with me. At this time, this person has chosen to not serve the Lord, but instead of me getting into battles, arguments and strife the Lord it is telling me not to serve that behavior because that person has chosen who they will serve. Now I can be in prayer, pull back and listen to what the Lord is saying. Resist the temptation to argue, but instead elevate the glory of God in the relationship by showing love despite how the other person is treating me. They are not concerned about how I feel or how their behavior makes me feel because if they did they would take the time to show love and have a conversation that is uplifting and that leads to two of us into effective communication.
Glory to God for his word being a lamp to my feet!