The word that came to me this morning was "Boomerang Effect". God was showing me that blessings are going to flow in my life, but I had to go through the "Boomerang Effect". My "Boomerang Effect" started when I was saved in 1987 and born again by water. I was twelve when I gave my life to Christ. This is when the boomerang was thrown. Three years after my salvation call, I made a U turn in 1990 and went into the reverse with my sin nature, but at that same point the boomerang kept going in the spirit. I was out of alignment with heaven and followed the way of my flesh through pride and lust. This reverse did not cancel salvation for my life. It went dormant until awakened by Goliath. Goliath was the point when the boomerang went far enough in the spirit and stopped. It stopped my sin nature walk creating a cross for me. Because the boomerang was on one side (spirit) and my mind was on the opposite side from the point of salvation, I had to make a decision to align with my spirit. Goliath helped me make that decision. I was taking up my cross and following Christ on January 14, 2013. This is when I was born again by the spirit. Now I understand what Jesus was saying to Nicodemus in John 3:5, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (KJV).
Christ called me as a child. He interceded for me and it was time for me to return to him for my assignment from God in 2013. The boomerang represented salvation, but the return of the boomerang was redemption. Just because I was redeemed did not mean I would be exempt from trials and tribulations. It is the trials and tribulations that let me know how close I am to the blessings of God. I am in his provision right now for my life, but the blessings that he already prepared for me before the foundation of the earth is above me. At anytime, the heavens can open and release the blessings. Similar to candy falling from a penyata when hit in the right place. I had to return to the Lord in the reverse like a boomerang. I can't speak for other's lives in their salvation walk, but Christ turned me around. When I returned to Christ, I was given my assignment for the advancement of the Kingdom. My 31 year walk with sin ended with my testimony of Jesus Christ, the Good News of the Gospels and the Kingdom.
My sin (weed) and faith (wheat) grew together until the harvest. This is evidence in the "Parable of the Weed" in Matthew 13:24-30 and Jesus explains it in (Matthew 13:36-43). The harvest is redemption of souls by faith. That's why the scripture says, lay up your treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21). Jesus is present on earth and he is harvesting souls. I can only say that my redemption process started on January 14, 2013, but it was schedule since I was born and when Jesus went to the cross. That's why God is awesome! He knew what I was going to experience before I came to earth and he had a plan for me to remain in his WILL. He has the same plan for everyone that will trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
I thank God that the backsliders like me have returned to the faith and walking in the Kingdom of Heaven. I thank God that they have become intercessors for others and to ensure their soul is well with the Lord. I pray that God have mercy on the ones who do not believe and choose not to follow his will for their lives. I thank God that he began a good work will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:6). I pray that the people of God would take up their cross and walk forward to receive the blessings of God. I pray that they are born again of water and spirit so they can see the Kingdom.