Today, an example of the Kingdom of God is like a business being launched or continuing to prosper in the midst of Covid-19. Jesus said, do business until he returns. What kind of business was Jesus referring too? He was referring to the business that advanced the Kingdom of God for rulership because at the time he clearly stated in Luke 19:11 that the Kingdom would not happen right away. This was a parable of a story Jesus told to the crowd about "King's Ten Servants". How we been faithful with the resources God has provided to us? Will God return and find us empty handed with only what he initially provided us. Doing business represents multiplying whatever resources God has provided whether its money, skills, ability, talent or other resources. Have you helped others advanced in any of those areas for the Kingdom? What will Christ find in your hand when he returns? Don't be like the 5 foolish virgins out of the 10 whos ran out of oil for their lamps in Matthew 25.
"Do business till I come"! (Luke 19:13, NKJV)