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In my 31 years of maturity and growth in the word of God, I can summarize the motto's or the inspirational sayings from the spiritual leaders that encouraged me in my Egypt through my wilderness to the Kingdom of God. I didn't have the ability to tithe and provide offerings to some of your ministries, but I either purchased your books, listened to your sermons, attended your church or connected with your ministry through TV or YouTube. I want to say thank you for being an example in the unique way that God has created you to help his people wake up. I was able to reflect who Jesus Christ was in my life and grow bountifully in the word. You were like John the Baptist crying out in the wilderness or Peter, the rock that Jesus built the church or Matthew who turned to follow Jesus or Luke who researched and wrote his Acts of Jesus Christ. This revelation came to me on 9/13/2018 while I was watching the Potter's Touch at 9:00am. These are the words that came to me from listening:

I received the POTTER’S TOUCH from the Master to experience a NEW BIRTH that allowed me to WALK IN VICTORY by faith for TAKING AUTHORITY in THE KINGDOM OF GOD to be a WORLD CHANGER. Let the VOICES OF FAITH through the WORD OF FAITHRISE UP” to CHANGING A GENERATION and provide them with A WORD FOR THE TIMES to receive a BOUNTIFUL BLESSING in the Promise Land to be FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY WE ARE FREE AT LAST. This website is my transition from the world’s way and experiencing The URBAN ALTERNATIVE to the ways of God and BECOMING AN OVERCOMER, MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. I DISCOVERED THE CHAMPION IN ME so God could REFRESH me and GET ME WHERE GOD NEEDED ME TO BE.  For those who are not aware of the highlights, I give special thanks to these ministries that have been a light along my path and 1 football team that I adore which kept me motivated in my state.


The late Bishop Eddie L. Long, Dr. Vanessa Long, WOTP, and the New Birth Family 


Bishop Neil Ellis - WALK IN VICTORY

Dr. Myles Munroe – THE KINGDOM OF GOD

Dr. Creflo Dollar - WORLD CHANGERS

Bishop Dale Bronner - WORD OF FAITH

Bishop Gary Hawkins - VOICES OF FAITH

Arthur Blank - The Falcons  - “RISE UP


Dr. Kerwin B. Lee and Berean Christian Church - A WORD FOR THE TIMES

Bishop Gilbert Patterson and Lady Patterson – BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS

Dr. Martin Luther King and the King Family- FREE AT LAST….



Bishop Stephen A. Davis - REFRESH

Reverend Jerry D. Black - GET YOU WHERE GOD NEED YOU TO BE

Other Kingdom of God leaders that have contributed, enhanced, or advanced my walk are again Pastor Jerry D. Black (Pastor of my Salvation/baptism), Reverend Angela M. Solomon (My Sister), Tudor Bismark Ministries, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church (Warner Robins), Priscilla Shirer (Going Beyond Ministries), Fairfield Baptist Church (Lithonia, Ga), Welcome Friend Baptist Church, Church of Christ, Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant, Joyce Meyers, Dr. Juanita Bynum, Andrew Womack, Pastor Paula White, Perry Stone, Rod Parsley, Jentezen Franklin, Hope City Church, Jehovah Witness’s, World Bible School (WBS), World Video Bible School (WVBS), The Refuge Center.

From all these ministries and leaders, there are others that are connected to these ministries that I may not have named, but I am grateful to you as well. I may not be able to afford to tithe, provide an offering or partner with these churches, but I am part of the body of Christ. I owe it to these ministries and leaders to say thank you for being a lamp to my feet and a light in a dark place. I could not have survived or have a mirror to reflect my experiences if you did not exist, so I am very grateful and appreciative for your love. I pray that God continues to bless you and that your ministries increase in the number of souls that come to salvation to your church and become a part of the Kingdom of God.

Inspirational Spiritual Leaders

I have been made whole (Luke 17:11-19)

You Tube Inspired Ministries for "The Body of Christ"

  • Shaneika Byars - United for Christ 

  • TruthUnited

  • Princess Bola Adelani - Royal Proclamations

  • Apostle John Eckhardt

  • DeAnna Dixon

  • Dr. Dharius Daniels

  • Dr. TJ Lindsay

  • Jennifer LeClaire Ministries

  • Kathy DeGraw

  • levans 4:12

  • Motivating U2Win

  • WisePreach

  • Power of God - G2G

  • Latoya Okeia


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